Wednesday, March 09, 2011

American Tabloid by James Ellroy

I hinted about this book in my last blog. It is captivating, massive, complex and hard to read even if you are an Ellroy fan. And it is the first in a series of four! Only readable by people who had read some of his earlier books and who realy took to his style and (sometimes offensive) language. Story? America in the late 50s/early 60s. Kennedies, the mafia, CIA, FBI, J Edgar Hoover (director of the FBI), Howard Hughs and an entire nation of other characters, some who are so seedy, crude, racist, sexist - but sadly, alarmingly, real.

So I need a break of at least two other lighter books (John Grisham next, then) before I attempt the next in the series.

But . . . . 10/10

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