Monday, September 29, 2008

Becoming Strangers by Louise Dean

I got this as a book swap. I'd not heard of it but thought the blurb sounded interesting. It's about two couples who meet on a luxury holiday in the Caribbean. One man is dying and the woman in the other couple is showing signs of dementia, so not a happy setting. The book explores their relationships and can be ammusing although pretty sad as well.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Camomile Lawn by Mary Wesley

I decided to read this after reading Mary Wesley's autobiography. You can see a lot of her experiences in the book. A good read about how war can change people's lives.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Rachel Papers - Martin Amis

We'd been talking at work about the film that most summed up the 80s and this was in the shortlist. then I saw the book in a charity shop for 50p and took it home.
Slightly odd read that it's a story written in an evening and it keeps flicking back and forth. I could kinda remember the story from the film, but not completely.

Funny, quick read.


Small World - Martin Suter

No idea who's book this is or where it came from, but I found it on my bookshelf so thought I'd read it.
About a man in Cyprus who has been adopted by a rich family and then develops dementia. He starts remembering things (which I htought was the opposite of dementia) and the family worry that some big secret will come out.

the front of the book says 'as gripping as any hitchcock' so you know there is going to be some kinda twist at the end. and it was really gripping!!


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wild Mary by Patrick Marnham

This month's book club, I wasn't really looking forward to it as I'm not a great fan of biographies. It's about Mary Wesley who became famous as an author in her 70s with the novel "The Camomile Lawn". In fact once I got into it, I enjoyed it more than I expected. Quite a remarkable women who lived an unusual life which formed the basis of her novels.